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Brassicas are an important group of vegetable crops in Brazil. The National Vegetable Center of EMBRAPA carried an study about Brassicas channel published in 2017 and from which we could get some info like the ones below: The study was done on ...
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Carrot seed market is one that becomes very attractive in Brazil on last 10-15 years. Reason for it is that carrot growing regions had some concentration, and it moved more and more to regions where the growers are more professional and usually grow ...
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Lettuce is vegetable seed specie very popular in Brazil since many years ago. The fact is that in the past(about 25 years ago) majority of lettuce varieties cultivated was butter head type and quantity of seeds used per hectare was very  big(almost 1 ...
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Please see below some briefs news about vegetable business in Brazil last months. 2016 ONION MARKET- According CEPEA entity 2016 was a year in which onion market register extreme values. Growers in the South of Brazil who harvest about November/ D ...
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Please see below some news on vegetable business in Brazil. Majority of the info below had as a source CEPEA an entity from São Paulo University published on their Annual report few months ago. For region and species CEPEA conduct a day to day ...
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Tomato is a key specie on vegetable market in Brazil. Total planted area is around 65,000 ha. 25-28% is processing tomato and the balance is fresh market. This market is very important considering the economic and social aspects since it generates a ...
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The info below has the intention to provide some summary about watermelon crop in Brazil. The graphic below indicates the distribution of watermelon crop by each geographic region in Brazil.  On the left side it is the % of production by region wh ...
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Vegetable seed market keep growing in Brazil. The below figures published by ABCSEM show this in local currency. More  recent news indicate that the value in dollars at growers selling price will be around USD250-300 MM. Mai ...
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In 2014, ABCSEM (The Brazilian Vegetable Seed Trade Association) had contracted once again MNagro to do a review of the 2012 market study. The key objective was to develop some figures for the vegetable market (not seed market) as far as 17 key s ...